Acupuncture is a complete medical protocol focused on correcting imbalances of energy in the body.From its inception in China more than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture has been used traditionally to prevent, diagnose and treat disease, as well as to improve general health.Traditional Chinese Medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as Qi (chee), believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that the energy flow will re-balance.
#1. Relieve pain and other symptoms
#2. Strengthen the immune system
#3. Balance, harmonize, and integrate functions of the organs with each other making for a united healthy person.
People report different sensations. Sometimes the needles feel painless and other times you might feel a slight prick or a tingling/electric feeling. Many people feel a sense of calm and relaxation from treatments. Some points may have a stronger feeling which travels from one location to another, like an electric sensation.
Needle treatment is traditional, other effective means of bringing out the desired physiological response include electronic stimulation, heat, cold, moxibustion and herbal therapy.
It is extremely safe. It is an all-natural, drug free therapy, yielding no negative side effects, just feelings of relaxation and well-being.
The frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person. Some people experience dramatic relief in the first treatment. For complex or long standing chronic conditions, one or two treatments per week for several months and may be recommended. For acute problems, usually fewer visits are required, usually 8 to 10 visits in total. An individualized treatment plan that includes the expected number of treatments will be discussed during your initial visit.
Depending on the patients condition and treatment plan, treatment time averages about 30 min
More than any other complaint, is chronic pain. Complaints may include pain anywhere in the body, as well as headache, pain in the back, neck, arm, shoulder,and leg. Many people suffering with chronic pain have been taking pain medications, sometimes for years, but have never gained permanent relief. Acupuncture is often indicated to treat chronic pain conditions, radiating pain along a nerve pathway, muscle spasm, inflammation, scar tissue pain, and pain located in multiple sites.
Acupuncturists see that stressful living contributes to a host of chronic illnesses and conditions. Here's why: Too much stress tends to affect the balance of Qi in the body which can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, headaches, depression and many other stress related conditions. They sometimes recommend periodic acupuncture care to bring Qi into balance and keep it that way. This often helps replace feelings of stress with a sense of well being.
Diagnosis is determined by using methods similar to other healthcare practitioners: asking patients for a thorough history of their health, diet, exercise patterns and complaints; as well as emotional emotional problems that may contribute to imbalance. Also observation of the patient: color and condition f the tongue, texture and condition of the skin, hair of the voice- its strength or weakness- high or low pitch, answers from here confirm many health issues. Pulse diagnosis, an expert evaluation of the pulses reveals excesses, deficiencies of Qi and what organs are involved. Finally a physical examination for acupoints is a reliable tool because certain acupoints are related to specific areas and functions of the body, and tenderness may relate to a specific problem.
The body has many different acupuncture points, including the ear. The ear is universal, because there are points in the ear which can treat the whole body. For some conditions, the acupuncturist may use auricular acupuncture, in which needles are used at acupuncture points on the ear. There are specific points in the ear to treat internal organs as well as limbs. When disorders occur in any part of the body, they can also show at the corresponding points in the ear. Stimulating these sensitive areas on the ear serves to prevent and treat diseases and illness.